By the numbers: The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Brooklyn holdings

Joe Mabel

25-30 Columbia Heights in Downtown Brooklyn (credit: Joe Mabel/Flickr)

From the April issue: In 1969, the Jehovah’s Witnesses made their presence in Brooklyn Heights known with 10 blazing red letters: WATCHTOWER. After buying a massive pharmaceutical manufacturing plant for $3 million, the Witnesses installed the electric sign atop the roof. It quickly became a landmark — visible from the Brooklyn Bridge and from across the river in Manhattan. “The public now knows that this group of buildings belongs to the Watchtower Society,” wrote the Witnesses’ then-president Nathan Knorr, referencing the group’s official name. Now the Witnesses are shopping around that iconic asset — which sits at 25-30 Columbia Heights and serves as their international headquarters — along with two other buildings. [more]

Source: By the numbers: The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Brooklyn holdings