Donald Trump (Credit: Donald Trump Campaign) and Louise Sunshine (Credit: Hugh Hartshorne)
Donald Trump’s epic rants against immigrants, Muslims and the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton have rattled even his GOP rivals, with Jeb Bush calling him “unhinged” and framing him as the “chaos candidate.” But Louise Sunshine, the godmother of new development marketing in New York and a former lobbyist for the developer, says he is anything but.
Trump is “the least chaotic person I know,” she said. “And the most determined person I know.”
Sunshine, who has known Trump for over four decades and shared an office with him at the beginning of his development career, praised the mogul’s strategic thinking and his ability to dominate the press — by any means necessary.
“He is the absolute guiding light in manipulating the media,” Sunshine told the Los Angeles Times. “And he always used to say bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.”
In a 2007 interview with The Real Deal, Sunshine described Trump thus: “He turned out to be the greatest teacher I ever had, and I probably turned out to be one of his greatest students.”
It appears that Sunshine, who sold her new development firm the Sunshine Group to NRT in 2002, shares Trump’s tendency for bombast. Her website describes her life as having been “one of almost epic proportions.” [LA Times] — Ariel Stulberg
Source: Donald Trump is “the most determined person I know”: Louise Sunshine